For our youngest learners, we begin with story, games, movement and of course joyful singing!
At the beginning of the semester, through story telling and role-play, students learn short songs that they can memorize quickly, once they gain confidence in their voice, we progress to teaching basic warm-ups that are chosen with care. These warm-ups are designed to healthily flex the vocal mechanisms of a young and growing child. Continually using elements of play, children learn to respond to dramatic and subtle sound difference, and strengthen their musical knowledge. We also build in elements of music theory such as reading rhythm, singing by solfege, and more.
Many parents don't know what to expect when they enrol their young ones in singing lessons. We've watched our students blossom into confident performers, expand their musical tastes, improve in pitch, learn to self-regulate so as to perform repetitive tasks for longer periods of time, and improve in memory tasks. Every student learns differently, so we are careful to celebrate every milestone. No matter how much we advocate, you won't know until you try it out yourself!